Build characters where creative narratives come to life

This website is for entertainment, creativity, communication with others and for create an image of a new modern and effective generation, But to achieve these goals you are expressly prohibited, through your use of the Website, from violating any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or treaty, from violating the rights of a third party, and from using the Website outside of its customary and intended uses.

More specifically (but without limitation), is not for:

  • Terrorism: We don't tolerate content that encourages or incites acts of terrorism. That includes content which supports or celebrates terrorist organizations, their leaders, or associated violent activities.

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  • Promotion or Glorification of Self-Harm: Don't post content that actively promotes or glorifies self-harm. This includes content that urges or encourages others to: cut or injure themselves; or commit suicide rather than, seeking counseling or treatment. We aim for to be a place that facilitates awareness, support and recovery, and we will remove only those posts or blogs that cross the line into active promotion or glorification of self-harm.

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  • Human Trafficking and Prostitution: Don't use to facilitate sex trafficking, other forms of human trafficking, or illegal prostitution. If you see this activity on , report it, and encourage victims to contact law enforcement.

If we conclude that you are violating these guidelines, you may receive a notice via email. If you don't explain or correct your behavior, we may take action against your account (abolition the account); but in all cases we reserve the right to suspend accounts, or remove content, without notice, for any reason.

You can remove your own content whenever you want, of course. We also reserve the right to amend these guidelines using the procedures set forth in our Terms of Use.

To report any of the violations, you can click on the report option on the gear settings icon available on Stream posts, Chapters, Aesthetics, and Character Profile.